Halloween is approaching and slowly people are beginning to learn about Teal Pumpkins and non-food alternatives to Halloween Candy. Last year here in the “Little Town That Would” our town went Teal so that Mackie Could be Included.
This year I have decided to stock up on the Allergy Friendly Candy starting to hit the shelves as an alternative as well.
Learn More About Teal Pumpkin Project
Finding Allergy Friendly and what we call “Mackie Approved” candy can be a challenge. Last year I found a few candy items that fit our “Dye Free”, “Dairy-free”, “Gluten-free”, “Nut Free”, “Soy-free” and packaged in a facility that does not cross contaminate with gluten. We are fortunate that Mackie’s peanut allergy is not so severe yet and so we can sometimes let him have products that share equipment processes with nuts. But not gluten. Target had a few options and they SOLD OUT FAST and Targets that carried it were Rare.

from Target
I went to Target Monday and picked up the Candy that Mackie can have. The shelf was already looking empty and it isn’t even October yet. At Christmas and other Holidays the selection often does not contain candy that he can have and those are very expensive. But Halloween is Mackie’s favorite Holiday and when I find it I stock up for the year and his birthday. I checked the expiration dates and they are will make it almost to Halloween next year or longer. But the shelves will be empty very soon. I was to Walmart and Walgreens and found nothing he could have. FYI: The Welchs Fruit Snacks for Halloween contain dreaded Food dyes.
But fortunately Target you Rock! I also found a hidden secret, I can order it online from Target.com and save the disappointment of Empty picked over allergy friendly candy shelves. Besides we do not live in the land of Targets and it is 36 miles to Dubuque and 85 or more to Madison. I cannot stalk Targets! Besides it is rough on the budget to go there! Doc will be happy, Mackie not so much. He and Furry can spot a Target despite not seeing well from the window in the Sequioa.
Mackie has been begging for Sour Patch Kids, but they are loaded with food dyes and just one piece of candy with Red Dye will create a monster we do not want to see. Ask his therapists or teachers when Doc accidently let him have some or Mac stole it when too fast for us to intervene.
Mackie’s favorite find of the season. Black Forest Organic Sour Heads. $6.99
The Characters and in Orange, Lemon, Raspberry, Fruit Punch and Lime. ** This is from a factory that uses shared equipment with milk, eggs, almonds, coconut, peanuts and soy. We are letting him try them and watch for any reactions with his behavior or allergies.
More Allergy Friendly Candy Choices from Target:
* Check Items Allergy Status on the Target Website
I have included the links to the differing items we purchased.
Plan ahead as they sell out quickly. HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone.
Wholesome Organic Halloween Lollipops (30 count)
Surf Sweets Organic Halloween Spooky Shapes (20 count)
Yum Earth Halloween Organic Candy Corn (24 count)
Yum Earth Halloween Fruits (24 snack packs)
Yum Earth Halloween Organic Fruit Pops (80 count)
Thank you Target from a very Happy Mackie and a Special Needs Mom who doesn’t have to stalk the Target shelves for the very elusive Allergy Friendly, No GMO, Dye Free Candy this Halloween.
Anny and Mackie and of Furry the Penguin