It Was The Night Before School Started
By Ann Yurcek
It was the Night before school started
And all through the house,
Not one person was sleeping not even the mouse.
The children were anxious and worried with fright.
While Mom was all worried things wouldn’t go right.
The backpacks were packed and set out with care.
While visions of morning haunted Mom with a scare.
Her children were anxious and for them school was tough
Would the teacher understand or makes things too rough?
For children of trauma, school can be drama.
Or was it school can be drama for children of trauma
School is anxiety and too much change.
They cannot learn when all is not arranged.
When everything’s new the children are blue.
Mom checked her list for fidgets and chewls?
The IEP papers were approved but Mom has her doubt.
Would the school help her children or cause them to act out.
While Tommy cannot sit still, and Sally can’t read,
Mom knows that they have different kinds of needs.
Would her children find empathy and understanding
Or would they be bullied and met with demanding?
Mom woke up the children and into the pack I went,
to help the children was the job I was sent.
Mom kissed the children and hugged them goodbye,
The children put on their courage and tried not to cry.
One foot in front of another, off the children, went.
To be met by a smile that was heaven sent.
Each school can make a difference for those who are left out.
With trauma-informed teachers and accepting students with FRIENDSHIP throughout!
Everybody Matters.
Wishing everyone a productive and calm school year!
©2018 Furry The Penguin